One Raven
Alternative Solution Report
Architect of Record, Tina Hubert Architect Inc.
Who they are
A private owner adding infill density behind the heritage home on his property by adding a duplex, each side having a secondary suite. This project is part of the ‘gentle densification’ of the North Vancouver Moodyville neighbourhood
What We did
The building code has specific rules regarding the fire rating and construction of party walls. The requirement when there is a secondary suite becomes more onerous than when there is not.
Hoping to avoid the cost and aesthetic issues of building a firewall, the owner and design team came to us for help.
We drafted an alternative solution report outlining an approach that would allow the builder to use a less onerous fire separation while still achieving the fire protection intent of the code: to limit the probability that fire will spread from one building to another by retarding the effects of fire on areas beyond its point of origin.
This alternative solution was accepted by the City of North Vancouver, and the project is currently under construction.